Why I’m Giving My Templates Away

Published 11 August 2020 by Mike Johnston

If there were such a thing as the “Gospel of Online Marketing”, Chapter 1, Verse 1 would be

Thou shalt build your email list before all other things.

I’ve read dozens of articles on how to market books and online content, and they all start with that directive.

The logic is that your email list is an asset that no one can take away from you. If you build your base on social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or others – you are subject to their whims and policies.

But with your own email list, you can reach out directly to your subscribers with your information or offers or whatever you wish to promote.

The trick is to convince a visitor to your site to give you their email address. Practically every site, this one included, has one or more forms on every page that invites you to “sign up” or “subscribe”.

On many sites, this one also included, there is often an offer of something – known as a “reader magnet” – that will be provided in exchange for the email address. The magnet should be, according to the Gospel, something of value – a checklist, a white paper, maybe access to a VIP area on the site.

I have been treating the templates I create for my articles as reader magnets. Up until now I have asked you to give me your email address in exchange for the opportunity to download the templates.

But no more. I’ve recently realized that my approach is misguided.

Yes, I’d like you to subscribe. But more importantly, I want you to take the material I’m creating and put it to work. The subheading on this site is “Actionable ideas for managers” for a reason – the ideas are intended to be put to use.

Putting a signup requirement in the way is manipulative and not in line with my mission to help you be more successful.

So I’m no longer going to require you to subscribe to get to the templates. I’ll be updating the site to eliminate all the signup hurdles that stand between you and the downloadable files. Here’s a link to the templates page:

I’m still going to encourage you to subscribe. There will be at least one form on every page…including this one. I will very likely offer reader magnets in the future, but they’ll be something besides the templates that support the articles.

I value my subscribers. They are people who I know are interested in the material I’m creating. They are the first people I turn to for feedback and new ideas. And they get notified ahead of everyone else when new articles get posted or new services get created. (More on that soon.)

So thanks for reading the articles. If you’re already a subscriber, thanks for signing up. And if you haven’t subscribed, there’s a form conveniently located below.

To your success,


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